Aviation Photographers of Southern Ca.

General => General => Topic started by: aim9xray on August 12, 2008, 05:34:11 PM

Title: Last C-133 Flight - 2008!
Post by: aim9xray on August 12, 2008, 05:34:11 PM
Found this on the C-133 website: http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/c133bcargomaster/home.html (http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/c133bcargomaster/home.html)

QuoteC-133A N199AB to Travis

Aug 2, 2008

Update today from Terry Juran:

        Update 2 Aug 08 on C-133 move from PANC to KSUU, per Terry Juran, director of the Travis Museum. The fuel fund has met its goal. There is enough money to cover fuel and some incidentals. BUT, additional funds will be very valuable for "incidentals" such as short term insurance, site preparation and aircraft renovation. The overall scheduel is to depart Anchorage on 28 Aug, or on 29 Aug, if maintenance issues dictate. No specific times are available now, but will be posted as soon as available. Earlier in August, the airplane will make a maintenance check flight at Ted Stevens International AIrport, to make sure all systems are working properly. Also,that will be opportunity for TV and sound documentation of aircraft operation and flight. The ferry permit will allow only the essential crew, so no TV crew or even a navigator will be on the flight to McChord or from McChord to Travis. Terry Juran is working with more than one possible source of doing some air-to-air photography enroute. Terry Juran will go to Anchorage in mid-August with all of the Air Force markings to be applied to the airplane. That will enable the airplane to arrive with markings as it was done in its Air Force service.

Cal Taylor designed a brochure to be used at the arrival event and later, with 61999 on display. Go to the Gallery page and copy and print it out. The resolution is good so that the result looks quite nice.

For details on the Travis Air Expo and the C-133 display flyby, 30-31 Aug 2008, go to this link: Check it out. http://www.travisairshow.com/ (http://www.travisairshow.com/)

Please send your checks to the address below.

Please continue to contribute to the C-133 Fund at the Travis Museum.  Donations can be sent directly to:

            PROJECT C-133
            400 BRENNAN CIRCLE
            TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 94535

Here are some answers to your recent questions:

Q:  If the funds donated exceed what is needed for fuel, how will it be spent?
A:  All PROJECT C-133 designated donations received by the Air Museum will be placed in a special account and used for the C-133 only.  The account will be used for expenses such as restoration, maintenance, site preparation, etc.

Q:  Was the C-133 in Alaska ever assigned to Travis Air Force Base?
A:  We have verified that 60199 was assigned to Travis Air Force Base from February 1960 to November 1960.

Q:  What social activities are planned for the C-133 arrival on 30 Aug?
A:  We are still in the planning stages of any social activities.  Watch for regular updates for more information.

Thanks to those of you who have pledged donations to this project!  We are excited and optimistic about Travis AFB displaying the C-133.

We welcome any questions you may have.
John and Jetta Burnett (jnburnet@cwnet.com)
Title: Re: Last C-133 Flight - 2008!
Post by: phantomphan1974 on August 12, 2008, 07:51:54 PM
Thanks Craig, I read about that too.  Sad but at least its being saved.  Hope someone takes some air to air shots
Title: Re: Last C-133 Flight - 2008!
Post by: Midnight Mover on August 12, 2008, 11:24:21 PM
Another one going :'(
Title: Re: Last C-133 Flight - 2008!
Post by: robin990 on August 13, 2008, 03:09:56 PM
Id love to see that thing fly.....ive always liked the 133.