What do you guys think about all of us getting together for dinner or something? Just a random idea that crossed my head.
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on August 03, 2008, 02:35:42 AM
What do you guys think about all of us getting together for dinner or something? Just a random idea that crossed my head.
Not sure when, but that would be cool. If I can make it I'll go.
We have to plan this out real good... I'm always busy at work and I'm pretty sure everone else has their own little things too.
But it sure would be great to get all the group together for dinner.
Sounds like a plan ;) Im in ;D
Depends on where it is and when possibly saturday of thanks giving weekend- plenty of lead time <tcat>
Or maybe a Saturday lunch at/near a airport. Spitfire at SMO, Pround Bird LAX, 92nd Aero Sq VNY, etc....