First two pics (EN) Sheppard AFB, TX T38s at AMA. Next group (TY) Tyndall AFB, FL T38s at Holloman AFB, NM. Last pic (HT) Holloman based T38.
Sheppard AFB (EN) T38 at Cannon AFB, NM
AT-38B sitting display at USAF Museum, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. This aircraft is from the old 479th Tactical Training Wing from Holloman, NM when they had the Tactical Lead-In Training there. Every fighter pilot went to this school before going to their assigned jet. Basically, they were taught ACM and Bombing at Holloman in the AT-38B. This is my favorite paint scheme for the T-38.
USAF T38 landing ABQ
There was no Nasa T-38 thread, so it found a home here.