A little short of the usual Open House, but drive in registration must be done before the end of the month.
Same day as Miramar >:(
so it looks like this year is a fly-in only and no open house?
Open House is every other year... >:(
Quote from: SDAztec25 on September 05, 2010, 09:29:48 PM
Open House is every other year... >:(
>:( indeed
I signed up for drive in access.
site says "civilian fly inn" . curious if there will be ED based aircraft flying or static...
Quote from: Raaver on September 17, 2010, 12:51:14 AM
site says "civilian fly inn" . curious if there will be ED based aircraft flying or static...
No, I would not expect any military jets to fly, especally if they are opening the airspace to select civis.
But you never know, maybe a test mission needs to go out.
Winning N numbers for the fly-in.
Possibilty of static display and some military planes flying, but sounds like a big "if".
"If available, we will have military aircraft on display, and there is a possibility of an military aerial demonstration."
Got the e-invitation Wedneday afternoon and didn't have my wallet on me at the time to RSVP, which required a credit card to pay for the lunch.
Went to do that today and found that yesterday was the last day for RSVPs. >:(
Guess I should have read all the way to the bottom of that e-vite.
Here is the schedule from the invitation:
0645 - Fly-In Arrivals Begin
0700 - AFA Pancake Breakfast
0930 - Edwards Mission "Toward the Unexplored"
1000 - See What it Takes, Safety Demonstration from Test Parachute Team
1015 - Welcome from the Commander
1030 - Safety Briefing, AFFTC Flight Safety Office
1100 - Women in Aviation, Celebrating 99 Years of Safe Flying by Females
1130 - Pancho Barnes Luncheon
1300 - General Weather and Departure Briefing
1330 - Take a Tour of the War Birds
1400 - Enjoy the Day, Watch Them Fly Away