In order.
Bell 47G
Corporate Helicopters of San Diego AS355
Lil' R22 action.
And my favorite... The American Aircraft's "Penetrator (".
Here is the helicopter I flew with a friend a couple of months ago. ;D
Love AS350s. Nice shot too. ;)
Nice! Thnx, I'll add more picture's I took from the air in that helicopter once I edit them. ;)
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on November 29, 2007, 01:31:46 PM
Nice! Thnx, I'll add more picture's I took from the air in that helicopter once I edit them. ;)
Ok the first one is heading North bound on the 405 with Mountain Gate Golf Course on our left side.
2nd one is heading South bound on the 405 with the Golf Course again and also the multi million dollar house's on out left side. ;D
Looks like a lot of fun. ;D
It sure is, NO doubt about it. ;)
Here is the Getty Center Museum the same day.
Very cool. 8)
Hey Josh I forgot to tell you that he sold that helicopter a couple of months ago and bought a new EC-120. The cool part is that they both have the same paint.... black and gold. I hope to fly with him pretty soon and take some cool pic's.
I like ECs too, but imo he traded down. ::)
This is a like a flying limo. Tail # is N311DH and is a Bell 430 at the ex-Supermarine ramp. ;D
Another Flying limo is this nice Sikorsky S-76. 8)
Heres a few more. All from TOA.
Cool helicopters Josh. :)
One of my fav shots...
Yeah that little bubble pic is pretty good. ;D
Here is a regular at SMO, N110E. ;D
VERY nice.
Ok here is a Robinson 44 on his approach! :D
Looks like a great spot for helis.
Normally helicopters are not allowed to park there and they are very strict about that, but since is a PD chopper that SMPD is renting.... They got the A-OK to park there. Santa Monica Airport has now reduced the helicopter capacity on the south city helipad to 1 helo. I think I just got so lucky that I was there. ;) Too BAD I didn't have my 18-55mm lens to show you guys how close that helicopter came to me when he was hovering. >:(
Here is the little bubble.... <heliguy>
I took this photos at SMO.
Ok here is an MD 902 Exlporer at SMO. ;)
Nice ;)
Never was a fan of it.
Thnx Robert ;) What is it that you don't like the 902 Josh? That thing is HUGE! I like the NOTAR system personally, safer while hovering low to the ground. <heliguy>
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on December 23, 2007, 02:09:17 PM
Thnx Robert ;) What is it that you don't like the 902 Josh? That thing is HUGE! I like the NOTAR system personally, safer while hovering low to the ground. <heliguy>
Just don't like the look. I would take an MD-520N over that any day. The 902 is like the Scion of the heli world... Ugh.
lol I just like big helicopters just like the AB139. ;)
My all time favorite has to be the OH-6A Cayuse.
Dont they called it the flying egg? (Little Bird)
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on December 23, 2007, 02:33:24 PM
Dont they called it the flying egg? (Little Bird)
Flying Egg
Little Bird
I believe flying egg is a generic term for all of them applied to all models, the others are related to specific models/configs.
Like pavehawk, jayhawk, seahawk, blackhawk.
Nice. ;)
The MD902 Explorer over my house for runway 3.
Very cool 8)
Thnx Robert. ;)
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on December 28, 2007, 04:03:57 PM
The MD902 Explorer over my house for runway 3.
Who's is that? Cool paintjob.
Not sure Damon but it sure is a cool paint job. :)
Red Bull Before the paintjob
Did someone say Red Bull?
Heres a shot from 2004 of Robinson.
Quote from: Josh on February 10, 2008, 11:54:21 PM
Heres a shot from 2004 of Robinson.
I'll take the 3 of them... haha I wish!
Its only money :P
One from today at Fullerton.
Nice ;D
Nice shot. You a pilot?
Bell 206 LongRanger II C-GXHJ
Very COOL shot Damon!!!
Another couple
Wish I was there lol, nice shots Damon.
Looks like a lot of fun, and great shots. Did you go for a ride?
Quote from: Midnight Mover on July 29, 2008, 10:11:22 PM
Looks like a lot of fun, and great shots. Did you go for a ride?
No too $$$$
Quote from: phantomphan1974 on July 30, 2008, 04:44:04 AM
No too $$$$
Had the same problem in Hawaii, great rides but $$$$ >:D
EC-135 and a 1999 Kamov KA-32A11BC
Cool photos Damon! ;)
Island Express Helicopters. Inc's Eurocopter leaving for Catalina. Taken from the deck of the SS Lane Victory
WOW!!!!! those are some real cool pic's you shot there Damon...
I'm going to take a girlfriend out to lunch to Catalina in a helicopter and is going to be with Island Express Helicopters. ;) <heliguy>
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on August 19, 2008, 03:37:26 PM
WOW!!!!! those are some real cool pic's you shot there Damon...
I'm going to take a girlfriend out to lunch to Catalina in a helicopter and is going to be with Island Express Helicopters. ;) <heliguy>
Cool, have fun. When you going?
Sep 3 or 4.. not sure yet.
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on August 19, 2008, 05:00:44 PM
Sep 3 or 4.. not sure yet.
Cool, have fun and get lots of pix ;)
Oh yeah, that for sure.. ;)
Where was this shot taken at Skip?
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on August 25, 2008, 12:42:38 AM
Where was this shot taken at Skip?
Yeah, don't recognize the background. Great shot either way.
Ah ok, now I think I recognize the area. :D
Here is a Bell 206 Long Ranger II that landed at SMO on Wednesday (8/27/08) around 4:20pm. Oh yeah... very cool pilot. 8)
I was out fishing today and got buzzed by this 22. At first I thought it was some sort of law enforcement bird coming to tell us we were in a restricted area or something and then I saw the pontoons. I guess they go around and take shots of private boats and sell you pictures afterward. Interesting.
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on August 19, 2008, 03:37:26 PM
WOW!!!!! those are some real cool pic's you shot there Damon...
I'm going to take a girlfriend out to lunch to Catalina in a helicopter and is going to be with Island Express Helicopters. ;) <heliguy>
I took my wife out to Catalina in one of those and proposed to her out there on the beach.
Sweet! I told my friend about my flight and told me not to book the flight because he wanted to take me and my friend in his helicopter, the good thing about it is that we are going to get a tour of the island. <rob>
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on September 14, 2008, 02:00:10 AM
Sweet! I told my friend about my flight and told me not to book the flight because he wanted to take me and my friend in his helicopter, the good thing about it is that we are going to get a tour of the island. <rob>
Oh wow, that is even better.
Test Pilots Huey. 2005
Cool shot guys... where did you guys take the photos?
Nice shots, the one closet, pilots are looking down and not straight or at the guy next to him.
Cool shots Skip... is that LA Helicopters?
Quote from: robin990 on December 02, 2008, 02:57:19 PM
Taken from a R-44 of a R-44 during long-line training.
Greetings Skip,Nice shot! Was this photo taken @ Perris Valley airport? I've been seeing a R-44 doing the same thing over here @ Perris, I stay just around the corner from the airport , usually I see them on my way home from work, Let me know when your out this way ,I'm based @ French Valley Airport F70
Quote from: robin990 on December 09, 2008, 10:01:51 AM
Thats about a mile outside of Perris Airport. They were training pilots in Long-line and vertical reference. Today is the last day they will be there. They have another class next month.
If you want to take pics just stop by , they would be OK with it.
sweet! nice catch Skip. ;)
Las Vegas 2005 Its had two registrations it seemed, have to research.
At SMO 12/5/08 N338BP
Nice shots Damon, it looks like the EC-130's N # is N702LV... N325MP is not registered.
Yeah that pic you took of 338BP was at the south helipad. ;) is the city's heli pad.
NIce shot of N702LV
Real nice shot Skip! ;)
Thnx for the tip.
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on December 30, 2008, 04:25:34 PM
Real nice shot Skip! ;)
Yes, Yes, I agree ::) <cheers> <rob> <heliguy>
Quote from: phantomphan1974 on December 30, 2008, 09:41:54 AM
Las Vegas 2005 Its had two registrations it seemed, have to research.
Now that's a paint job :o
Quote from: Midnight Mover on December 30, 2008, 08:56:35 PM
Now that's a paint job :o
Maybe it was a temporary registration.
Nice shot Skip!!
Quote from: phantomphan1974 on December 30, 2008, 09:41:54 AM
Las Vegas 2005 Its had two registrations it seemed, have to research.
At SMO 12/5/08 N338BP
Sweet shots, bro. Nice catches.
North Shore of Oahu. Unfortunately, it was brought in to search for a missing surfer who they never found. They found his board a mile down the beach.
I don't see a problem, I love the late afternoon color reflecting off the side of the aircraft. <rob> <cheers> <wave>
Pretty cool shot. I would lighten the shadows slightly, but thats me. See below, hope you don't mind skip.
Just a bit blurry but is a fantastic shot Skip. ;)
Quote from: robin990 on March 19, 2009, 08:58:56 PM
A rare Bell 222B flew into Van Nuys this evening.......neat.
Sweet ;)
They are rare? Nice shot.
Quote from: robin990 on March 20, 2009, 08:28:57 AM
Private 222s , on wheels in particular are getting very rare as bell is pricing parts so high that 222s are being sold as parts birds.
They doubled the price of main rotor blades a couple years ago.......Bell wants the 222s all replaced with new 429s.
Sort of like Beech and the Starship, but they bought the from the owners. Except Rutan.
Quote from: robin990 on March 20, 2009, 11:07:29 AM
I saw that final STARSHIP at OC Airport last month.
Also found out a friend coulda got me close-up to the 53Es at LB the other day..........he was so close he needed hearing protection....DAM !
He works at that AIRFLITE or something? See like they were parked there.
Check the exhaust...that's an especially rare SP.
Quote from: akradecki on March 20, 2009, 01:50:33 PM
Check the exhaust...that's an especially rare SP.
Like Airwolf rare.....They have an RC Turbine one. (
Quote from: phantomphan1974 on March 20, 2009, 01:51:57 PM
Like Airwolf rare.....They have an RC Turbine one. (
RC, Helos <rob>
That H-300 must be about as basic as you can get when it comes to General Aviation Helicopters.
Quote from: rander on March 22, 2009, 09:30:35 AM
That H-300 must be about as basic as you can get when it comes to General Aviation Helicopters.
Still looks cool though :)
Nice! the R44 colors match the golf cart color. ;)
Bell 412 N979AC @ French Valley last week, flys almost every night with a similar painted UH-72 Lakota
both are based here in a big hangar with a Twin Otter and a A-star supposed being used for oil survey? ???
looks like new 4 blade Huey
Quote from: WARBIRD KEITH on April 05, 2009, 12:20:08 AM
Bell 412 N979AC @ French Valley last week, flys almost every night with a similar painted UH-72 Lakota
both are based here in a big hangar with a Twin Otter and a A-star supposed being used for oil survey? ???
Fly every night to do oil survey ??? Hmmmmm!!
Good looking 412, nice one Keith! :) <thumbsup>
Not law enforcement. It really is used for geological survey. It stops buy MHV occasionally...a gorgeous machine. Last time I saw it, it only had about 100 hrs since new!
No, they were a bit evasive!
While my 412 was kicking my butt today (hard to diagnose transient torque split at high pwr settings), this gorgeous old 47 stopped in at Mojave.
Quote from: akradecki on April 17, 2009, 05:45:15 PM
While my 412 was kicking my butt today (hard to diagnose transient torque split at high pwr settings), this gorgeous old 47 stopped in at Mojave.
Very cool 8)
Sorry, I really should have asked. At one point, they had one of the doors off and laying on the ground, and so my sole conversation with them was to let them know we were going to be doing a ground run at power and didn't want them to have their door go skidding across the ramp (412s make a lot of wind!). If they come back, I'll ask, though!
N234AH in 2003 prior to paintjob
Stumbled across some files from a few years of Helinet's A-109s orbiting with us above the USC med center, waiting for helipad space.
Really nice shots Alan. Like downtown LA in the background.
Quote from: akradecki on May 01, 2009, 08:58:19 AM
Stumbled across some files from a few years of Helinet's A-109s orbiting with us above the USC med center, waiting for helipad space.
Very nice ;D
Quote from: akradecki on May 01, 2009, 08:58:19 AM
Stumbled across some files from a few years of Helinet's A-109s orbiting with us above the USC med center, waiting for helipad space.
Sure are great shots, Alan. <thumbsup>
I like the first one with a view of downown LA
I experienced one of those "I wish I had my camera with me" moments this morning and actually had my camera with me!
While driving into work this morning I was surprised to see a low-flying Sikorsky just off my right heading towards downtown. He eventually made a wide bank and landed just off the freeway near the Commerce Casino. Turns out he was there to lift what looked like A/C units on top of the new Costco being built there.
Skip I was looking for you. Were you there?
Nice blur Glen.. ;)
Thanks, guys.
That is a rare 204B.. great catch. ;)
Nice. It's based at Fullerton.
Great catches Skip!! Nice alarm clock ;)
Wow a little airforce just for Marathon.
Quote from: phantomphan1974 on May 24, 2009, 11:24:01 PM
Wow a little airforce just for Marathon.
Hahaha sure is.. <laughing>
Good looking ships.. ;)
Quote from: robin990 on May 25, 2009, 09:57:44 PM
The new TV CH-5 McDonalds helicopter over the Marathon today.
Is that a brand new helo Skip?
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on May 26, 2009, 12:42:03 AM
Is that a brand new helo Skip?
or new paint? I liked the Orange and white one better.
Quote from: robin990 on June 13, 2009, 11:54:28 PM
A recent favorite photo.....taken from a MD-530F.....A S-64F placing transmission towers. Those guys on the tower are nuts....
Now that looks like fun ;)
Quote from: Midnight Mover on June 14, 2009, 12:34:58 AM
Now that looks like fun ;)
WOW! :o crazy stuff <laughing>
Great shot, Skip. <thumbup>
Quote from: robin990 on June 17, 2009, 05:48:54 PM
A new 500E.....
Quote from: robin990 on June 17, 2009, 10:39:31 PM
A pretty cool shot.....
These are both great shots 8) Love the angle on the 500E <thumbup>
Here's ABC's "Air7" at Fox today...........125th / sec.
Great shots Skip and Brian. ;)
Nice! Do they also own N501LA?
Quote from: akradecki on May 01, 2009, 08:58:19 AM
Stumbled across some files from a few years of Helinet's A-109s orbiting with us above the USC med center, waiting for helipad space.
Killer paint scheme! And neat shots!
How do you guys get all your air to air stuff? Stories, and details on your job (for those where that applies).
N711GH UH-1H
1980 Bell Helicopter Textron 206L-1
I really like that Bell 206L! Great shot Damon <rocker>
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on August 04, 2009, 04:36:52 AM
I really like that Bell 206L! Great shot Damon <rocker>
Thanks. I am going to try again today depending on time to see if the forklift is in the way again or not for the UH-1H. All shot thru the fence.
Hahaha cool.
A Robinson R44 at SMO today 8/12/09, it was cool shooting with you, Damon. ;)
Guess who is flying the helicopter..... ::)
Is that you Fernando?
Negative, that is Robin from Celebrity Helicopters. :o
Quote from: Fernando Sedeno on August 13, 2009, 04:18:41 PM
Negative, that is Robin from Celebrity Helicopters. :o
Oooh, I have a few Celebrity Helicopter shots when Robert and I shot the Zeppelin Eureka over Long Beach, as well as a few from LAX on the helipad over terminal 4's parking garage rooftop. I'll post them tonight.
Quote from: Dragonskiss on August 13, 2009, 05:52:46 PM
Oooh, I have a few Celebrity Helicopter shots when Robert and I shot the Zeppelin Eureka over Long Beach, as well as a few from LAX on the helipad over terminal 4's parking garage rooftop. I'll post them tonight.
Not of the best quality, but I shot these when I just bought the camera. I think these were shot in 'Program' mode which is basically intermediate full auto. <laughing>
For prop blur, it's Tv mode for the win!
its all good Duy, we learn from our mistakes..
Hey Duy, they are still good shots. ;)
Thanks bud! ;D
Tomorrow is a big day...what time shall I meet you? I wanted to get out there pretty early so I can grab a good breakfast (sound familiar? <laughing>) and check out the area.
Up to you Duy, I really dont care because I live a couple of blocks away from SMO. ;) Im up for whatever time ;D
Hah, I'll hold you to that! :D Let's say 9am or so? Where should I meet you? I'm not familiar with the airport perimeter.
If you are coming from LAX, take the 405 North to the 10 West, exit on Bundy Dr South. Stay on Bundy Dr, make a right on Airport Ave, then another right on Donald Douglas Loop S, you will see the Administration building and there is a flag pole right infront of it... just park anywhere. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor (Observation Deck) and I will be right there. ;D
Hope these are good directions... :-[
Hey there's a Dewey Street next to the airport! What a trip! <laughing>
Yeah, those directions are just fine, see you there! Is the Typhoon restaurant by the observation deck?
Yep is right below on the 2nd floor. ;)
Cool, ill be there at 9am. ;D
One of HTS' 214ST's last night, at VNY. The "Big Mutha" evolution of the Huey family.
Nice, I think this is the first photo of a Bell 214 on APSOCAL. ;)
It is the first one that I have seen "in the flesh", so to speak....
On Monday, when I was heading for Soledad Canyon, I found this guy working at Vincent Hill on a power line project. Kinda scary to take your hand off the collective at that point!
Quote from: robin990 on September 02, 2009, 09:48:28 PM
Thats "Whisper" flying the yellow MD-530F........i flew in that helo with him , scared me and made me sick.
Do I want to know why they call him "Whisper"??
Waikiki Beach
You don't see TwinStars everyday...this all-white one has been flying sorties from the National Test Pilot School at Mojave the last few days.
Nice shots Alan. ;)
One of my shots made it to Switzerland. :D
Cool, that was my friends helicopter and it was based at SMO.
Nice one Damon! ;)
That EC-120 is gone from SMO ?......never got it.
Yeah, long gone... :( I flew in the helo a couple of times. <heliguy>
Bell 222
Sweet Catch!!!! Love the 222
Thanks D ;)
Those 222s are getting really expensive to fly...........Bell wants em gone. Also that particular Helo has Allison 250s replacing the original Lycomings. Nice catch , did you get it today ?
I took this pic on Sunday ;)
A beautiful Bell 430 , leaving Van Nuys today....
Over Downtown in my least favorite Helicopter , a Hughes 300C.
Nice!!!! Good one Skip! <rocker>
A different Helicopter pic , R-44 over LA.
I like the reflection off of the window, what airport is that?
1958 Hiller UH-12D
R-44 Clipper....
Tour helicopter flying down the beach in La Jolla.
Cool shot, Nate! ;)
Thanks 'nando ;D
Did not know they had tour helos in San Diego area.
Helo school at Riverside. These shots are from several years ago. -ge
Here is N400AS at SMO.
Not to many of these around Sikorsky 333
Never heard of it.
Great catch Skip, is that the turbine 333?
AG work early this morning....206B
A fairly rare SA-355N Twinstar / Arrus Engines
1967 Air & Space 18A......looks new , can`t wait to see it fly
( (
Island Express Helicopters ( by PhantomPhan1974 Photography (, on Flickr
From last week when I was shooting surfers on the beach.
Bell 206 from Corporate Helicopters:
( (
( (
N4055L is Customs and Boarder Patrol and use to be out of March ARB.
Delivery flight of the first Robinson R66 Turbine.....
KGTV Channel 10 in SAn Diego
Bell 206B from the aerial coverage of the Nascar races in Phoenix. Packed up and ready for delivery to Las Vegas for next weekends races.
Hughes 369HS at SMO.
N@Ndo, Outstanding rotor blur.
Air to Air shot with a friend of mine in an R22 flying off my left wing over the Chino Hills.
Great air to air shot! ;)
A few...
Hey I got the same ones today. Posting soon.
What time did you catch them? Can't wait to see the pics! My bad I missed you earlier today.
Quote from: N@Nd0 on March 29, 2011, 06:29:09 PM
What time did you catch them? Can't wait to see the pics! My bad I missed you earlier today.
Yeah your bad, hung out with a British photog on business trip. Then he left for Brown Field in San Diego.
Another air-to-air shot over the 91 freeway near Corona.
Here are a few shots taken yesaterday on El Mirage Dry Lake Bed.
Love the first and last shots! <rocker>
Helivision Bell 206B
Agusta 109S
Eurocopter EC 130 B4
( (
Kaman K-1200 "K-Max" N161KA ( by Chris Pasley (, on Flickr
( (
R-44 Raven I N87SG ( by Chris Pasley (, on Flickr
( (
Bell 407 PHi Air Medical N467PH ( by Chris Pasley (, on Flickr
( (
Eurocopter AS 350 N54315 'Native Air' ( by Chris Pasley (, on Flickr
( (
MD500E N7032V MD Helicopters ( by Chris Pasley (, on Flickr
Bell 206B
( (
Kaman K-1200 "K-Max" N161KA ( by Chris Pasley (, on Flickr
( (
K-Max N115 Central Copters ( by PhantomPhan1974 Photography (, on Flickr
( (
MD500E N7032V MD Helicopters ( by Chris Pasley (, on Flickr
MD 600N
Brim Equipment Leasing MD600N coming into Double Eagle II Airport, NM
MD530 on power line inspection over the Rio Grande River in Albuquerque, NM
( (
OC Helicopters ( by PhantomPhan1974 Photography (, on Flickr
( (
OC Helicopters ( by PhantomPhan1974 Photography (, on Flickr
( (
OC Helicopters ( by PhantomPhan1974 Photography (, on Flickr
Nice Lookin' EC-120
Helicopter Express Inc As350 sitting at Double Eagle Airport, NM
Brand New Airbus Helicopter EC135P3 at Double Eagle II Airport, NM 08/2015
HeliJet S76 at Vancouver Waterfront Heliport, Vancouver BC Jan 2016