VX-30 F-4S at Pt Mugu couple weeks prior to flying to NAS North Island for the last time and is the F-4 now on the Midway Magic Museum http://www.midwaysaircraft.org/PhotoGalleries/f4n_gallery.htm (http://www.midwaysaircraft.org/PhotoGalleries/f4n_gallery.htm)
Quote from: phantomphan1974 on January 16, 2008, 03:48:21 AM
F-4S couple weeks prior to flying to NAS North Island for the last time and is the F-4 now on the Midway Magic Museum http://www.midwaysaircraft.org/PhotoGalleries/f4n_gallery.htm (http://www.midwaysaircraft.org/PhotoGalleries/f4n_gallery.htm)
Were those taken at Point Mugu?
Very cool looking plane Damon. 8)
Quote from: phantomphan1974 on January 16, 2008, 03:48:21 AM
VX-30 F-4S at Pt Mugu couple weeks prior to flying to NAS North Island for the last time and is the F-4 now on the Midway Magic Museum http://www.midwaysaircraft.org/PhotoGalleries/f4n_gallery.htm (http://www.midwaysaircraft.org/PhotoGalleries/f4n_gallery.htm)
I hate that sentence "for the last time" we are loosing to many aircraft. It would be great if the US could keep all of them in flying condition and we could see them at airshows. "Just dreaming" ::) I guess I will have to visit them at the Museum :)
Great photos ;)
Quote from: f4_phantom_fan on February 13, 2008, 04:15:10 PM
Contuing with my "art" shots, here's some Phantom images I created.
Nice ;)
Haha! thats real cool. :D
20th FS Holloman AFB Phancon 2002
Looks like a fun time ;) will be looking for photos from this years :)
more phancon 02
AMARC Phancon05
Sexy looking F-4! <laughing>
Phantom Society Visit to VX-30
Heading out to China Lake to be a ground target
One of my favorites during the visit.
Another favorite
In the shop for the last time. There were gone a few weeks after our visit, museums or the scrap heap.
Quote from: phantomphan1974 on August 27, 2008, 06:35:50 PM
In the shop for the last time. There were gone a few weeks after our visit, museums or the scrap heap.
:'( :'( But great photos, and very nice hanger.
Nice! I never knew the wings folded. <iws>
Camarillo fly-by from more that a few years ago. QF-4
Former HO Holloman bird during reguar periodic maintainance. No engines.
Trying out the new D60 yesterday, had to find something to shoot, so grabbed a shot of this one at Boeing Plaza, Lancaster
What do you think of the D60 ?........I LOVE my 40X......
On sunny days set it to .7-1.0 negative comp.
Well, I've had it all of about 27 hours now, and so far I love it. I found out about the neg comp that you mentioned as well, when I washed out several of the NTPS BO-105 pics I shot (see the Mojave thread). Any other tips/tricks would be appreciated!
The only other thing at the top of my head is you can go into a hanger and set it to ISO 400 and the quality is SUPERB......i don`t see any noise like i do with the D70. Feel free to use ISO 400 when ever you feel it necessary.
Also set the colors to double vivid , its spectacular.....and don`t use automatic , it will overexpose on sunny days.
The cameras a bit small but is so light with the 55-200VR lens ....it can hang around my neck for hours without ever bothering me.....and the lens kicks ass.
I really LOVE the camera , it makes pcis as good as anything the D300 does.......we`ll see about the 3 focus points during air-to-air , but so far so good.
Quote from: phantomphan1974 on August 27, 2008, 06:28:03 PM
The F-4N in Damon's reply 16 BUNO 153030 is onboard The USS Midway Museum in San Diego. Click the link to see a frontal view od 153080.
Check out this link. My pics are in the middle of the series.
http://www.midwaysaircraft.org/PhotoGalleries/f4n_gallery.htm (http://www.midwaysaircraft.org/PhotoGalleries/f4n_gallery.htm)
Damon: For additional pics of F-4 BUNO 153030 go to
USS Midway Museum
Album: Midway Hanger
Album: Robert Anderson
Album: F-4 Phantons
Album: VX-30 F-4 Phantom II
There are 26 pics I took there
:) got a new scanner.....
Nice Shots of those Phantoms, Damon <thumbup> <thumbup>
Quote from: phantomphan1974 on April 08, 2009, 09:29:17 PM
They get refirbished at AMARG and flown to BAE at Mojave and get converted to drones.
:'( :'(
QF-4N Scooby
Camarillo fly-by
Phancon 2002
Vandy-1 158360 I believe
Yeah, I like the background from the first 2 shots. <thumbup>
Nice! hes banking pretty steep. :o
A couple of oldies from the Point Mugu airshows in the 70's
76 Phantom
Kevin, very sweet!!
Cool Classic Pics Glen
Quote from: Kevin Joyce on August 18, 2009, 05:55:23 PM
A couple of oldies from the Point Mugu airshows in the 70's
Very nice 8)
Old School pic's. ;)
THANK YOU KEVIN and your Dad!!!
Quote from: Kevin Joyce on August 18, 2009, 05:55:23 PM
A couple of oldies from the Point Mugu airshows in the 70's
Scooby - five years ago, already.
2004, damn time flies..... I think I saw some decals for Scooby too! On the internet.
153851 Difference in angle really plays with the color.
More VX-30
I think this ought to be my new avatar...... ;D
From the NAS Point Mugu historical files...got lots more :)
Firehawks pics appear to be at least 35-40 years old as in the 3rd pic down the BUNO153783 Black Phantom. There is on the right of the photo, a NC-5 Mobile Electric Power Vehicle. Those were taken out of service in the earily 1970"s as they were powered by a old 312 Ford V-8 (from the 1950's) engine and had a 4 speed manual shift tranny. When ever one was used to service an aircraft an operator had to be sitting in the operators seat at all times as they were notorous for viberating into second gear and rolling away from an aircraft and crashing into anything in the way. the NC-5 were replaced with an NC-8 that was powered by a 4 cylinder Detroit Diesel engine that powered a generator that drove the rear wheels. Directional drive was controled by two electrical switches on the control panel. The NC-5's were cabable of at least 30MPH in 4th gear. The NC-8 top speed was just 8 MPH.
WOW great photos Mark!
I guess they really love to reverse their pictures. :p
photo not as old as above, but the subjects are old...
taken at mojave apt, aug 09. :o
Those are really the 1st shots of the QRF-4C I have seen. I wanted to get up there to see them but my contact no longer works there at BAE. He was the frm pilot for them.
Quote from: Raaver on January 21, 2010, 12:02:06 PM
photo not as old as above, but the subjects are old...
taken at mojave apt, aug 09. :o
Nice ;D
F-4E 68-495 HO
(https://apsocal.com/forum/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Ffarm5.static.flickr.com%2F4026%2F4324554789_7557405129.jpg&hash=ee2cb0a303a032e8e22b091761b7da2d8d7e7923) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4026/4324554789_dc09b6b134_o.jpg)
From the vault, Pt Mugu...........
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4326/35946812090_c742e7b834_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/WLuNSf)
YF-4J 151473 (https://flic.kr/p/WLuNSf) by PhantomPhan1974 Photography (https://www.flickr.com/photos/phantomphan1974photography/), on Flickr