Thread for Shayne wonderful artwork.
now thats some good work <thumbsup>
Fantastic Job!!! <thumbup> <thumbup> The crud crew must have done that over a 3 day weekend, so all that paint would have time to set up and adequately dry.
Some amazing and beautiful work, Shayne. Absolutely stunning! ;D
Quote from: Dragonskiss on October 27, 2009, 03:14:18 PM
Some amazing and beautiful work, Shayne. Absolutely stunning! ;D
Ditto, very cool ;)
That is way cool-I am so desperate get on a base to see some navy and marine stuff..maybe once I'm there for good it will happen ???
Saw the bird at Fallon, but sadly did not get any good shot of it.
Shaynes newest work ..........HS-10 SH-60F
Nice shot Skip, great job Shayne!
Another fantastic job Shayne many Kudo's
Here are some pics of Shayne Working hard on a SH-60F from HS-4 Black Knights.
The second MARB bird done by Shayne