Created album for Orion's-Shayne will post pics soon. :)
WHat??? no pics, No story ???? Just a smiley face???
Damon, what's going on here? ???
P-3's hold a special place in me since i was basically raised on a P-3 base
Here's a few from Point Mugu before they got to be total Nazis about shooting from the missles.
VX-30 "Bloodhound 337" NP-3D
VX-30 "Bloodhound 340" NP-3D
VP-65 "Trident 521" P-3C
Here are some P-3 aircraft I shot between 06/03 and 06/30/09 at NAS North Island.
Love the EP-3! Would love to catch one of those someday.
Just got back last week from NAS Whidbey Island-I was there topaint an EA-6B for VAQ-131,, many P-3's there,,here is one--the weather was crappy and our hangar was not very close to the runway so the flyovers were never very close for to shoot well,, anyway here is one...
another one,,, I am not the pro like all of you-do it just for fun...
this was cool,, the one in the center was taxiing in,,how many props can you see? I was also trying not to get caught as you're not supposed to be taking pictures on the flight line >)
Clearwater International Airport touch and go
P3 Desert to Delivery from Lockheed-Martin
Very cool video, thanks for posting!
P-3 Orions
Caught this EP-3E # 156514 at Fallon a few years back, it was about 2 months after the china mid air incedent, the navy was on some serious PR damage control, as this aircraft was never seen on static at a show, that I've see anyway, the same squadron I believe.