Hi all, I have a write up of the Hero's Airshow from July in the current issue of InFlight USA for Oct 2009. Check it out. Sorry not photos published. Got mine at Torrance Airport Gen Aviation Bldg.
Cool <thumbup>
Pretty cool, Damon.. I read it already. <thumbsup>
Someone save me a copy ;)
Brian and I both have stories in Dec 09 issue. Mine is on the Wings, Wheels and Rotors show and his is on Phancon 09 and the Holloman AFB Airshow. Pick it up at your local airport. I know KTOA and KSMO have them.
Did they not run my Nellis story??
Quote from: f4_phantom_fan on December 10, 2009, 11:10:52 AM
Did they not run my Nellis story??
Sorry, and Brian's Nellis Aviation Nation, article. I missed it it was one of the big ones and I was looking at the stories below.
Oh ok, cool...........:)
Quote from: phantomphan1974 on December 10, 2009, 08:39:36 AM
Brian and I both have stories in Dec 09 issue. Mine is on the Wings, Wheels and Rotors show and his is on Phancon 09 and the Holloman AFB Airshow. Pick it up at your local airport. I know KTOA and KSMO have them.
Yep, got my copy. ;)
All out at Torrance Airport. Thanks Fernando for getting a few for F104Jim and his friend Mike @ KSMO!! <thumbup>
Quote from: phantomphan1974 on December 15, 2009, 02:50:30 PM
All out at Torrance Airport. Thanks Fernando for getting a few for F104Jim and his friend Mike @ KSMO!! <thumbup>
Yep, no problem, anytime. <cheers> <apsocals>
Thanks a million, Fernando. Jim