As per an e-mail from Joe over at AZAP (
"Looks like NASA926 is on its way back out to March: Might want to spread the word on that if any APSC members are near Riverside."
~NASA File Photo~
I will go out to March sometime this week to see whats going on :)
Maybe its the Nasa aircraft that will be doing high definition images to map CA in an effort to tell when the next "Big One" will be. Emphasis on major faults.
Quote from: Josh on June 22, 2009, 08:40:31 PM
As per an e-mail from Joe over at AZAP (
"Looks like NASA926 is on its way back out to March: Might want to spread the word on that if any APSC members are near Riverside."
Man, I would love to get some pix of that one :D
Quote from: Midnight Mover on June 22, 2009, 10:22:16 PM
Man, I would love to get some pix of that one :D
No kidding.. that would be cool. ;D