An impressive vertical takeoff near gross weight at 10,000ft @ 75 degrees near Lake Tahoe , Calif. The Helicopter is a BO-105 LS with uprated C30 Engines and BK-117 tail rotor blades.
Great shots, the weather looked perfect <heliguy>
Cool looking BO-105, nice shots Skip! <thumbsup>
The medic in the picture seconds later was telling the security guard to tell me no pictures (Skip tired to call you if you knew if the frowned on pics). Guess he thought I would try and get picutes of the injured but wasn't going to. Went to Vons and got something and came back and the pilot was waiting for the rest of the crew. An ambulance brought them back and they took off. I have seen them come in many times but never was near or had camera. Seems like they stayed in the area and a little after 8pm headed back toward Glen's hood. ;D
Saw it fly over Pedro near the evening. Always has a military sound, always expect to see a military helo when I hear them.
These days, everyone's quite paranoid about the really strict HIPPA laws regarding patient confidentiality.
Quote from: Josh on July 01, 2009, 09:33:25 PM
Saw it fly over Pedro near the evening. Always has a military sound, always expect to see a military helo when I hear them.
Was in Lowes to night and heard it fly in. Then on the way home, about 8 ish it was still there and then some time after they left. flew toward Lomita :D, and yes, it sounded large when it flew over the warehouse;D One of the guys in a blue jump suit was taking some pix of TOA before they left.
Quote from: Midnight Mover on July 01, 2009, 11:09:11 PM
Was in Lowes to night and heard it fly in. Then on the way home, about 8 ish it was still there and then some time after they left. flew toward Lomita :D, and yes, it sounded large when it flew over the warehouse;D One of the guys in a blue jump suit was taking some pix of TOA before they left.
LOL! Thats pretty cool... I guess they are photographers too huh... <laughing>
Real cool shots btw, Damon! ;)
Quote from: akradecki on July 01, 2009, 09:56:26 PM
These days, everyone's quite paranoid about the really strict HIPPA laws regarding patient confidentiality.
I figured something like that.
The new REACH 407 stationed at Fox Field, complete with air conditioner!
Nice! Great catch Alan! Love 407's.. ;)
Thats your competitions. The air is going all day??
Quote from: robin990 on July 01, 2009, 09:36:59 PM
Those MERCY 222s are on the way out......Soon they will be gone.
Thats sad :( Why? Age? They don't like them? I love the Airwolf medivacs. :D The skid is awesome too.
Caught this Sikorsky S-76 belonging to Children's Hospital LA coming in to Hemet about 3 hours ago. I always have my camera with me since I got it back. <laughing> I'm totally OCD right now trying not to miss anything.
It flew in, topped off the tanks (literally under a minute at the hose) ??? and they set the gurney next to the helicopter. Then the pilot had lunch at the Hangar One Cafe. Unfortunately it had shut down before I got into a position to get the main rotor blurred (they had a SICK amount of lighting on them...) I sat around for 45 minutes to catch them going back up before I finally got fed up and left.
I went back by there 20 minutes ago and they're still just sitting there. I imagine they're here waiting for a pick up, a surgery, or something... but the poor kid that gets put on that gurney is going to cook their ass off. They've left it right next to the bird in the sun for 3 hours. ??? It's currently 109 degrees here today according to the NWS and I don't even want to know how hot it is on the tarmac.
Age and the fact that Bell doesn't want to support them anymore, and are continuing to jack up parts prices...when you can get the parts, that is. M/R blades are almost impossible to come by. Economics are the principle reason.
Got Mercy 14's new Astar while shooting WK2's return (sorry for the intervening A300 wing!)
The 412 is gone from Mojave. The 29 Palms bird will stay, b/c the contract with the USMC requires it, and Victorville's will stay b/c it's the backup for 29.
Miramar 2006
WoW!!! <thumbsup> ;)
Pretty low to the ground too. I see his shadow.
Hey Skip, what was your W/B set to? great colors! :)
This 407 landed on a grassy area next to a gas station I was stopped at near the Grapevine. I didn't get the approach but waited to get the departure until I realized that they were picking up a patient, and that patient was an infant.
Quote from: GTagami on April 15, 2010, 07:39:23 PM
This 407 landed on a grassy area next to a gas station I was stopped at near the Grapevine. I didn't get the approach but waited to get the departure until I realized that they were picking up a patient, and that patient was an infant.
That's Hall Ambulance's "Medevac One", based in Bakersfield - very busy ship!
My first attempt at a night shot. This was taken on top the hospital that I work at...
Quote from: Jbong on May 05, 2010, 11:33:24 PM
My first attempt at a night shot. This was taken on top the hospital that I work at...
Very nice 8)
Not an easy picture to get , well done.
Tripod? Flash or Building lights? Settings? Great shot.
This was a quick shot. Security said I could go up on the roof to get this shot. And there was a light on the door behind me but I did use the flash. The lighting was terriable. I am trying to remember the settings. Now that I have permission to go up there I will get more chances. I was asked by the Trauma Director to do a couple shots for their new brochure for the trauma center.
Great job on your first night shot. <thumbup>
Mercy Air 222 Skid. :)
More Mercy Airwolf. ;)
N408MA @ FUL
Mercy Air 222 Skid N223HX; being used for maintenance relief in the Hemet Valley/Banning Pass area. Love the color scheme on this one. Used to be owned by Cook Children's Medical Center.
Talked to the crew and asked what they would like to see the 222s replaced with when it happens. The EMS crew said EC135s, and the pilot says AS350.
Sacramento based CALSTAR 11 lifts off at Renown Hospitals roof-top helipad in Reno Nevada yesterday....
Wow, that sky is killer. 8)
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Mercy Air Bell 222UT ( by PhantomPhan1974 Photography (, on Flickr
Not much of a`s in focus.....sor
CAREFLIGHT 3 ....Truckee Calif.
I don;t know if there is a topic for this yet this heli landed at the school today
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Native Air ( by Jason( (, on Flickr
Nice one Jason!
That's a cool shot Jason, like the angle. ;)
"Air George", Bell 407 operated by Valley Childrens Hospital in Madera. Picture was taken at Mercy Southwest Hospital, Bakersfield, in 2009.
Thanks guys. Benefits of working at the Airport.
Airwolf's replacement :(
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Mercy Air (Air Methods) EC-135 ( by (, on Flickr
Hall MedEvac 1 landing at San Joaquin Hospital in Bakersfield.
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20110907_MedEvac1_0011.jpg ( by Dan Miller Photography (, on Flickr
PHI Air Medical Bell 407
Eurocopter AS 350 B3
Here is a few of Mercy Air back in Feb. Landed down the street from where I work.
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Mercy Air - Med Evac ( by Morjas (, on Flickr
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Mercy Air - Med Evac ( by Morjas (, on Flickr
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Mercy Air - Med Evac ( by Morjas (, on Flickr
Good catch. Hope patient was ok.
from November 1993...out in Potrero (rural East San Diego County) Life Flight 1 BK-117 grabbing a rattlesnake bite victim from us. Partner was still in the back of the rig....
a couple more LifeFlight San Diego photos...
LifeFlight 2 BO-105 landing at Oceanside High School meeting Oceanside Fire with a stabbing victim 1991
Life Flight 1 BO-105 lifting from traffic collision SR67 at I8 1988
Mercy Air Helos
Mercy Air BK-117 landing Scripps La Jolla Helopad
Mercy Air BK-117 Landing Qualcomm Stadium at the Burn Run/Fire Expo July 2004
Mercy Air Bell 222 lifting from Sharp Memorial Hospital July 1996
Crew change at Phoenix International Raceway.
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Bell 407 PHi Air Medical N467PH ( by Chris Pasley (, on Flickr
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Eurocopter AS 350 N54315 'Native Air' ( by Chris Pasley (, on Flickr
Mercy Air BK 117 departing Villa Park High School this morning after picking up a patient.
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Untitled ( by Three-Nine Photography (, on Flickr
Nice shot G. Hope patient is ok. Here is my shot from Rialto Airport (rumors it will close in a year). Mercy Air Bell 412EP(external tanks)
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Mercy Air 412EP ( by PhantomPhan1974 Photography (, on Flickr
Sad to see these go. At Mercy's facility at Rialto L67
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Mercy Air Bell 222U N226LL ( by PhantomPhan1974 Photography (, on Flickr
One of my favorites.
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Mercy Air Bell 412 N405LN ( by PhantomPhan1974 Photography (, on Flickr
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Mercy Air ( by PhantomPhan1974 Photography (, on Flickr
got a chance to shoot some photos around Van Nuys earlier this week....
Children's Hospital LA Sikorsky S-76
Mercy Air 4 out of Fullerton Airport lifting from the 2014 American Heroes Airshow
AeroCare Bell 407 based at Clovis, NM
PHI Air Medical As350 various bases around the State of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM has the only Level 1 Trauma Center in the entire state so we get really busy with EMS Helos.
AirCare Bell 429 based out of San Juan Medical Center in Farmington, NM.
Guardian Flight AS350
MedFlight of Ohio EC-130 at OSU Airport, Columbus, OH
LifeForce Bell 407 based in Calhoun, GA
PennStar EC-135P2 at Brandywine Airport (KOQN), West Chester, PA
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Mercy Air Bell 222UT Enterprise, NV ( by PhantomPhan1974 Photography (, on Flickr
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Mercy Air Bell 222UT ( by PhantomPhan1974 Photography (, on Flickr
TriState CareFlight A109 landing Lovelace Heart Hospital Albuquerque, NM
AirCare Bell 429 San Juan Regional Medical Center, Farmington, NM departing Presbyterian Hospital Helipad.
TriState CareFlight A109 departing ABQ.
TriState CareFlight A119 departing ABQ.
PHI Air Medical As350 departing ABQ.
Classic Air Medical Bell 407GX at Los Alamos Airport, NM
TriState Careflight A119, Yuma Regional Medical Center, Yuma Intl Airport, AZ
Native Air As350 landing Presbyterian Hospital, Albuquerque, New Mexico 10/2015
A pair of CareFlight A109s sitting on the ramp at KABQ 10/2015
CareFlight departing Heart Hospital of New Mexico at Lovelace Medical Center 10/2015
Mercy Air (Air Methods) Eurocopter EC-135P2+
Mercy Air 4-Fullerton Airport Base